Reverie follows the narrative of five girls
in chronological years, watching them
grow as friends.
There are four chapters within the series,
where each chapter is a stage of the girls' lives,
exploring the challenges they face with
self-identity, friendship and womanhood.

The first chapter sees the girls as children –
free spirited and carefree.
This chapter of their lives, almost a whimsical
daydream, of themplaying in the garden.
Their lack of self-identity is represented by their
identical white dresses, at the same time symbolising
purity and innocence. As little girls, we have our own
secret lives and games that we play while our parents are
not watching. Exploring the very start of their friendship.

The second chapter sees the girls enter a new
stage of their lives, going to school, where their
friendship develops over time. We see the bonds
that form between the girls, exploring isolation
and challenges with trying to fit in.

The third chapter sees the girls manoeuvre
through the digital age. Time being spent being
disconnected from one another.
The black represents the vastness of the digital
space and social media platforms, almost like a
black hole. The dolled faces, almost like a mask,
is juxtaposed with their outfits, stripped down
raw, representing the vulnerability of the girls.
The scales, a symbolism of the balane between
irreality and irreality.
It explores the challenges girls face growing up in
this social media driven world where we create a
false persona for everyone to see.

The last chapter of the series see the girls
reaching womanhood. They have gone on
with their individual lives, forging their own
identity. We see them in nature, away from the
digital space, reconnecting with one another again.
Strong and empowered – celebrating the becoming of a woman.